Positive SSL
A Despite prices of raw materials have risen, our prices remain unchanged
B Although prices of raw materials have decreased, we maintain our old prices.
C Raw material prices have raised, but we maintain our existing prices.
D In spite of the rise in raw material prices, we maintain our existing prices.

A The invoice will be sent to 179 Maple Street, it is the address you provided in your order.
B The invoice will be sent to 179 Maple Street, that is the address you provided in your order.
C The invoice will be sent to 179 Maple Street, which the address you provided in your order.
D The invoice will be sent to 179 Maple Street, the address you provided in your order.

A We are sending you our samples in another mail.
B We are sending you our samples in another envelope.
C We are sending you our samples under separate cover.
D We are sending you our samples under separate post.

A 請以電郵一次通知貨物裝船。
B 請以電郵方式,就這一次裝船事項提供意見。
C 一旦貨物裝船,請電郵告知。
D 一旦貨物裝船,請以電郵提供相關意見

A 目前供應商已告知庫存的項目
B 供應商告知庫存的商品已當作贈品送出
C 供應商告知贈品缺貨
D 供應商告知該商品目前已無庫存

A 您所詢問的模型已寄出,就此通知
B 有疑問的模型已不再能繼續使用,就此通知
C 該機種已停產,就此通知
D 有問題的機種已經停產,就此通知